19 Things I Learned From Recovery

  1. Looking at photos of mountains reduces anxiety. 
  2. There's always going to be at least ONE person who loves you, if it doesn't feel like it, turn to a dog. They'll love anyone. 
  3. Buying four onesies didn't cure your depression, but it sure fucking helped at the time. 
  4. Susan Jeffer's quote, "feel the fear in doing it anyway" comes up a LOT. 
  5. Every emotion that you feel is valid. Even when you feel like a fraud for experiencing emotions, that's still a fucking feeling. 
  6. People in France eat on average 108 grams of a fat a day. So no, a piece of cheese won't make you gain 10lbs. 
  7. It's okay to share your secrets, and it's okay to keep them. 
  8. What feels like a huge step back, will only help motivate you to make steps forward.
  9. You get your ass back! 
  10. Read a book. No, read a LOT of books. It's a perfect way of giving your brain something else to focus on instead of what you ate for breakfast. 
  11. Naps are great, but you also tend to use them to avoid things. So maybe don't take five a day. 
  12. A piece of pizza is not going to hurt you. Pizza can't wield a weapon or say anything mean. 
  13. Grandmas and cousins are the perfect people to call at those nonstop crying moments. 
  14. A carb is a carb is a carb is a goddamn carb. 
  15. Going for walks alone or with good company, boosts your mood indefinitely. 
  16. "Sweetened" does not equal "Satan". 
  17. An eating disorder is not your friend, it's a guard dog gone bad. 
  18. Thinking of three things that your grateful for every day, makes a bad day seem a little less bad.
  19. You will love yourself, soon.